Useful Information
Power of Attorney
Let's talk about Lasting Power of Attorney
If you lose the power to make certain decisions a lasting power of attorney (LPA) keeps those decisions with the people you trust. A lasting power of attorney makes it easier for the people you trust to support you and, if needed, act for you when you may need it most. It could be temporary help to cover a short hospital stay, or longer-term support to manage decisions around your health and care. An LPA not only gives you a voice - it protects your choices.
What are the two different types of Lasting Power of Attorney?
Health and welfare decisions A health and welfare lasting power of attorney gives people the power to make decisions about things like: • your daily routine – for example, washing, dressing and eating • medical care • moving into a care home • life-sustaining treatment.
You apply and register it now, but it’s only used if you can’t make your own decisions in the future.
Financial decisions A finance and property lasting power of attorney gives someone you trust the power to make decisions about your money and property, for example: • paying bills • managing a bank or building society account • collecting benefits or a pension • selling your home.
These powers can be used at any time, but only if you say it’s ok.
Can anyone be an Attorney?
Yes, as long as the person is aged 18 or over and able to understand the responsibility of becoming an attorney.
If you’re looking for someone to help with your finances, consider someone with a good history of managing money.
You should always choose people you trust. They could be a friend or family member, or you can also appoint a professional such as a solicitor to be your attorney.
A professional will usually charge for their time.
How much does it cost?
It usually costs £82 to register each lasting power of attorney. However, you may be able to reduce this by 50%, or get it for free if you earn less than £12,000 a year, or if you receive certain benefits. To see if you’re entitled to any reductions and apply for them, download and fill in the application form that you will find on the GOV.UK website, click > here to be directed to the website, or call 0300 456 0300.
What to do next
Talk to someone you trust today about creating a lasting power of attorney.
If you’d like to know more about making, registering or ending a lasting power of attorney:
Visit GOV.UK by clicking > here
Or call: 0300 456 0300
Take a look at this video about the LPA application process by clicking > here
Original source: Lasting Power of Attorney